ESGG meeting- 21, 22 & 23 May 2019 Blankenberge – Belgium


Working group on vegetable seeds May 21st 3 pm to 4.45 pm

1- Statistical overview, agronomic and economic situation of the campaign, forecasts, prices,

cost of production

2- Impact of copper reduction on disease control of vegetable seed crops

3- The spread of aerial fertilizers /corroborants for plant protection purpose

4- Presentation of Agrosem project – FNAMS

5- AOB

Working group on main crops seeds May 21st 5 pm to 6.45 pm

1- Statistical overview, agronomic and economic situation of the campaign, forecasts, prices,

use of certified seeds

2- New French agreement on farm saved seeds

3- Future of durum wheat in France, lack of variety research

4- AOB

Working group on forage seeds May 22nd 8:30 to 10:30

1- Statistical overview, agronomic and economic situation of the campaign, forecasts, prices

2- French interbranch travel in Oregon, presentation of the main conclusions

3- Breeding sectors and seed sectors relationships, how to develop an efficient forage seeds

market? (stock management, price controlA)

4- AOB

General annual meeting May 22nd 11:00 to 5:30 pm

1- Welcome by the Belgian delegation

  1. Approval of the minutes of 2018 meeting
  2. Introduction of new members

2- Administration of ESGG

  1. Expenses 2018 and budget for 2019 and 2020
  2. General Annual Meeting 2020

3- Statistics: how to improve the collection of statistics?

4- Update on Plant Protection Product dossier

5- Organics seeds Regulation (use, production, exemption)

12:30/2:00: lunch

6- Update on Brexit: consequences for the seeds sector: varieties registration, seeds imports

7- Update on New Breeding techniques

8- Update on Patents on plants

9- AOB

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